This policy is designed to prevent discrimination and to attract the best Employees. To ensure that diversity is embedded in our Company culture, reflected in our staff and to better serve our Customers/Clients, the Company will endeavour to:
• Comply with the requirement of the Equality Act 2010
• Attract applications from all sections of society irrespective of race, gender, marital/civil partnership status, age, disability, religion or belief, colour, national origin or sexual orientation and ensure fair treatment throughout the recruitment process in accordance with the Company’s Recruitment Policy
• Enhance decision-making and innovation by encouraging interaction and involvement• Increase our ability to relate to existing and potential Customers/Clients wherever they exist
• Identify the various behaviours and barriers that discrimination can take, and understand the negative effect these can have on the Company and its Employees and Customers/Clients
• Train Managers and Employees in key decision-making areas on the potentially discriminatory effects of imposing practices, conditions, and criteria on minority groups, and the importance of being able to justify decisions
• Monitor the application of this policy, and work towards eliminating any discriminatory practices which may be limiting the Company’s ability to achieve its objectives.
This policy covers all Employees, Contractors, temporary workers and job applicants including any individuals working on Company premises via a third party. It applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment and selection through to termination of employment.
Unlawful Discrimination
It is unlawful to discriminate against people at work on the grounds of their sex, sexual orientation, status as a married person or a civil partner, race, colour, age, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, political or other beliefs or because of a disability, pregnancy or childbirth, or subsequent maternity leave or because they are a member or non-member of a trade union. It is also unlawful to discriminate against part-time or home workers. The Company will comply with all relevant legislation and no individual will be unjustifiably discriminated against.
The Company is fully committed to promoting age diversity. In valuing the contribution of its Employees, regardless of age, the Company will seek to eliminate age ‘stereotyping’ and discrimination on the basis of age. The underlying premise of this is that Employees will be assessed on the basis of their skills, ability and potential, not their age. This means that employment opportunities and personal/career development will be available, irrespective of a person’s age. The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 covers people of all ages. It is unlawful to discriminate against young workers as well as against older workers. There is no statutory upper age limit on the right to claim unfair dismissal or to receive redundancy payments. The default retirement age is 66, making compulsory retirement below 66 unlawful unless objectively justified. In addition, all Employees have the right to request to work beyond 66 (or any other retirement age set by the Company) and the Company will give such requests consideration
Equal Pay
Men and women doing equal work and work rated as of equal value are entitled to equal pay Race, Religion or Belief
The Company recognises that it is unlawful to discriminate against a job-seeker, worker or trainee on the grounds of race, colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins or because of their religion or belief or lack of religion or belief. The Company is sensitive to the cultural and religious needs of Employees and makes provision to accommodate any formal requests that are made.
The Company recognises its responsibility towards disabled Employees and seeks to eliminate unjustified discrimination on the grounds of disability by:
• Recognising the wealth of talent and skill possessed by disabled people
• Interviewing all disabled job applicants who meet the minimum selection criteria for a job vacancy and considering them on their abilities
• Ensuring that all disabled Employees are smoothly and effectively inducted into the Company
• Identifying and providing any ‘reasonable adjustments’ to working arrangements or the working environment necessary for the effective performance of their job.
• Making every effort to retain Employees who become disabled whilst in the employment of the Company.
Bullying and Harassment
All staff will expect to be treated with dignity and respect whilst at work, and have an equal responsibility to treat their colleagues similarly. The Company is committed to creating a harmonious working environment which is free from harassment, including discrimination, victimisation and bullying, and which protects the dignity of female and male Employees irrespective of their race, religion or belief, colour, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation. Harassment is offensive and prejudicial to a productive working environment. It is indicative of a lack of respect for the person harassed, undermines his or her position and may have a negative impact upon health, job performance and sense of personal security.
Any Employee who feels they have not been treated in accordance with this policy will make a complaint using the Company’s Grievance Procedure. All complaints will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially. If a member of staff is found to have breached the Diversity Policy they may be subject to disciplinary action under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure, which could result in dismissal.
The Company will maintain records of the age, race, gender, marital/civil partnership status, and disability of job applicants and existing Employees. Any patterns of under representation (for example, where one gender or race appears to have a consistently reduced chance of promotion) will be fully investigated and any discriminatory practices identified and eliminated.
The Company is fully committed to ensuring it complies both with the letter and spirit of the principles in the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy.
For more information, please contact: info@thesustainablefurniturepartnership.co.uk